Curation of trusted, factual information.

Of a holder of a certain set of values. An emblem that tells everyone who sees it exactly who one is and what they believe. Sighting this symbol, indicates that you have run into a front-line member of the Trump Organization…
Below the surface, many believers will reveal themselves
A few ways they might show up:

Wrapped in a Flag
Members of this group believe they hold exclusive rights to the flag. They believe that only they have the right to its benefits. They justify racism, sexism, and misogony in the name of the flag.

Claiming Christianity
Members of this group claim to hold convervative and even fundamental christian values, yet they are lined up behind one of the most horrific and offensive figures the world has ever known.

“Defending” the Border
Members pretend that protecting the border is of paramount importance. Interesting that most of the leaders of this movement imported their spouses.

Hiding in Plain Sight
At least 1/2 of Trump supporters are ashamed to acknowledge their truth. Because they know what supporting Trump means, and they do not want you to see their truth.
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